


Nicholas D. Vargelis

A.R.T. Institute: The Idiot, Mud, A Bright Room Called Day, Lie of the Mind, The Trojan Women and The Memory of Water. Currently enrolled in a studio art program at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts Paris-Cergy (France), his artistic work spans from lighting design to performance to sculpture. Recent artistic projects include: Le paradoxe de l’action furtive featured in the festival “Imaginez Maintenant” (Centre Pompidou Metz, Metz, France); This is the Time and This is the Record of the Time, part of “Repetition Island” (Centre Pompidou, Paris, France); l’Archive de la Zone Utopie Temporaire (L’abbaye de Maubuisson, Saint- Ouen-l’Aumône, France); You’ve Got My Number (Théâtre de l’Apostrophe, Pontoise, France); Till Vegetables Triumph: and freedom can only be achieved through the dictatorship of the vegan proletariat (ENSAPC, Cergy, France); L’Ampoule Eco-Citoyenne (La Vitrine, Paris, France); A Light Shines On (ENSAPC, Cergy, France); The Temporary Autonomous Vegan Zone (Université de Paris VIII, St. Denis, France); Post Factum (Berlin, Germany); Zum Licht (Kunstraum t27, Berlin, Germany), Zimmer ohne spiegel (Open Space, Berlin, Germany).